I’m having the time of my life on this project.  I am consistently thinking about what I can write and how it can inspire fellow Canadians to get out there and vote (but wisely).

I am really enjoying this experience as it allows growth and education.   I never really listened before and I think listening is the key to the best common denominator.

At the end of the day, our vote counts, but so does everyone else.  We’ll see what happens.  I hope that I can inspire rather than be viewed as opinionated. 

Here are my blog posts thus far:

Trina Stewart Discusses Voter Fatigue

Your Leader, Your Future, Your Money

My First Political Rally

A Tale of Three Cities

The Cambridge Ontario Debate 

Bryan May, Liberal Party Candidate for Cambridge, Ontario

Gary Goodyear, Cambridge Conservative Candidate Cambridge, Ontario

I hope that I have this opportunity again as I am so versatile in my interests. I’m willing to blog about anything without personal gain.  I just love that people are reading.

Til Next Time!


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