My Soul Coaching Experience with Kimberly Carroll in Toronto, Ontario
Wow! What a 28 day journey! Working with the elements of Air, Water, Fire and Earth on a soulful level was just amazing. This experience was truly an awakening to…
Wow! What a 28 day journey! Working with the elements of Air, Water, Fire and Earth on a soulful level was just amazing. This experience was truly an awakening to…
Ah, the Olympic Games…where the world unites to celebrate the World’s finest athletes. It is the only celebratory event (that I can recall) where the world takes in a day…
Well this week (well it’s only Saturday) has certainly been interesting. So far, I have opened my heart and mind to any idea brought forth me. Today was a very…
Well this is water week where I go back in time and document my life. It’s been interesting to say the least really looking and thinking about the patterns of…
In November, I never thought I’d see the light of day through my sadness and utter frustration. It’s amazing what two months can do! I’m quite content where I’m working,…
Almost two years ago, I decided to finally read the book The Secret. As I read the book, I tried to get past the repetitiveness of “Like Brings Like” and…