On August 30th, the Blackberry social media team invited me to join them in the Blackberry luxury box, at the Roger’s Centre, to view the Toronto Blue Jays vs. Tampa BayRays game. What a great night it was.
I decided to bring my sister-in-law who was visiting from Gaspe, Quebec. I knew that this would be quite the experience for her and I was right. She loved it.
Blackberry invited sixteen of their biggest advocates to eat, drink and watch the game with their team that we rely so much on within our social circles.
It was nice to attend a winning game for the Jays as well!
The Blackberry Experience
At the event, the 4G Playbook was on display for us to test drive. I already have a Playbook but first impressions of this new device was that it was faster with the clarity and usability remaining consistent to the previous model. I’m not a person who is resistant to change, but I do like my technology and software to stay consistent. For inquiry minds, yes, I hate the new Microsoft Office tab feature even though it isn’t new anymore.
We had to leave the game a little early as my sister-in-law was preparing for her journey back to Gaspe. Upon our departure, the team at Blackberry gave us swag bags. In my swag bag was a 32G 4G Blackberry Playbook. Wow, thanks Blackberry.
I will do a full review next week on the 4G Playbook as I will be breaking it in over the weekend in a BIG way.
The Blackberry Kicker
The next day, I wrote a quick note to the Blackberry social media team thanking them for their hospitality.
I have been a Blackberry advocate since 2004 when the phones weren’t as fun and playful as the “other models”. I will admit that I switched for a short period of time (to have a little fun) until Blackberry launched a newer device with a camera. I’ve been a Blackberry girl ever since.
Back to my story……Keri, from the social media team, told me to hold off setting up my Playbook as there may be a little surprise in store for me.
Life’s a Blog Goes to TIFF as #TeamBlackberry
Anyone who knows me well is aware that my passion is the Toronto International Film Festival. Every year, my daughter and I venture down to Toronto for a star-stalking, movie watching, and feet killing adventure. TIFF has never failed on delivering a fabulous weekend. So what did I talk about the WHOLE time during the Blue Jays game? You got it! TIFF.
Later that day, I received an email from Josh informing me that on behalf of Blackberry I would be receiving 4 pairs of tickets to:
- The Special Presentation of Anna Karenina
- Venus and Theresa
- Imogene
Imagine my excitement as I’ve been struggling due to shortage of work the past month! Honestly, it was a dream come true as I’ve been trying to keep the moment alive for my daughter despite hard times.
And…..on top of that Blackberry has provided 3-months of data service for my Playbook. Totally and utterly amazing! I can’t say enough about this fabulous company and team……(well give me a job would be one thing I would say :))
TIFFers are Going to TIFF
So my dedicated readers, watch for us all weekend as we cruise the streets and red carpets of TIFF in real time. I’m so excited…..(I hope I can figure this out.)
Also, if you’re at TIFF, look out for the BlackBerry Street Team who will be on the move throughout the Festival armed with lots of cool giveaways. Be sure to follow and tweet @BlackBerryScene using #TIFF12 to get their location and the latest scoop on all things TIFF!
Happy TIFFing everyone!