Sheryl Crow sat down with Entertainment Tonight to discuss Lance Armstrong’s decent from public hero to zero. Although Sheryl Crow watched only “bits and pieces” of Lance Armstrong’s doping confession on Oprah’s Next Chapter, she says that she felt bad. She felt bad for him, she felt bad for his family and she kind of felt like the rest of America. He is a hero we watched and looked up to and admire.
Crow dated Armstrong from 2003 to 2006. It was Armstrong, in 2006, who broke off the engagement stating that they were going down separate paths. Since the separation, Crow has fought breast cancer and adopted two children.
Reciting Oprah’s last words “the truth will set you free”, Crow believes that Armstrong must have a sense of relief knowing that he’s no longer hiding the truth.
“I think that honesty is always the best bet and that the truth will always set you free,” she said. “It’s got to be really hard walking around, knowing you’re not telling the truth about something. I always contend that the truth is the best way to go.”
Crow did not discuss her knowledge of Armstrong’s involvement with doping during the brief discussion.
The truth will set you free.