I’ve written about this product before. It’s done absolute MIRACLES for my face.
It’s Garnier Skin Naturals Oil Control Pure Exfo Brush Cleaner.
It actually works and i’ll tell you a little story about it.
Last year around October I had a huge black head issue, it was pretty gross and the guy I was dating at the time kept pointing out my little problem. At this time I wasn’t keeping up with a daily face washing routine. It was pretty gross!
One day it was really bad and he started to make jokes about it. I went to the bathroom and found the bottle. I used it once or twice in the summer but didn’t touch it again because like I said before I wasn’t really on a regular schedule. I decided to quickly wash my face so I scrubbed my face for about 5 minutes and went back, i’m not even joking when I say this next part. He told me that it actually worked and my black heads weren’t as visible and after a few days they were gone and my face wasn’t oily or pimply.
I think this is an amazing product, it’s cheap and it works! It’s great for kids who are in high school or college/university. I don’t believe in buying extremely expensive creams for my face just because there are products such as this one that WORKS. I’ve tried various products on my face and none were as this effective and noticeable with-in the first day or two.
I highly suggest you try this product out!