I just love this motivational video. So many of us live under the thumb of public opinion. We’ll take the job because it’s the “norm.” We’ll leave that relationship because people tell us that it’s reckless. We’ll choose that relationship because people think it looks great on paper. We don’t take the trip because others will say that it’s too dangerous. We avoid living life’s wonderful experiences because it may be judged by parents, siblings, our children or friends.
The insane pressure to live like the “norm”, when we are obviously not, masks our personality, decreases our will to love and success, and, more often than not, causes real emotions like anger, sadness and depression. I lived that for the past five years. I so desperately wanted love, but the arrows of jealousy, deception and deceit were all targeted at me. I flinched…..flinched for far too long. This is the real me. I’m a strong lover, but by God, do I fight for my abnormal place in this normal world we live in.
I even had a little tussle with George Clooney over his left and my right. It was my first red carpet accreditation at the Toronto Film Festival. A little fat girl completely intimated by the big bad alumni photographers and their fancy equipment. That said, I didn’t let them see me sweat. I knew my place on the first day, but after that, I was part of the club….after the George encounter. I ended by saying “Give me a break. First timer.” He said, “Fair enough.” Matt and George listened to my direction once I waved my hand in the air. All of us creatives are a little odd and a little apprehensive in letting the “norm” into our World.

Things I’ve Done That Goes Against the Beat of Other Drummers
- I lived via my heart and gut. There are many situations that I chose that may have caused some grief. but man, the experiences I had were amazing. I interview Ian Astbury of The Cult, drank with the HGTV peeps, took photos on the Red Carpet at TIFF, ran a successful PR campaign for the 50th Anniversary of the fight between Mohammad Ali and George Chavalo, attended fashion shows and music festivals. I created these wonderful experiences for myself, by myself.
- I love hard. My relationships and friendships are priceless. Only recently, I’ve started creating boundaries. However, if I know a person truly loves me heart and soul, I am always open to giving and receiving love. My kids are my treasures that I will never take for granted. My Grandson is the gift of creating a family and watching my children create theirs.
- I am creative. A yes girl. I’m always up to try new things to expand my mind. Whether it makes me money in the end or not is irrelevant. I want to fall in love with whatever I am doing. It’s my free time after all.
- I am very direct and say what I mean. It has taken me a lifetime to succeed in this. I was always a people pleaser and hated conflict. Then a day came where I was all alone in a very bad situation. I realized that no one was there to please me. I had to get through this hard stuff by myself. I started noticing people and their intentions more. I’m very selective with who is in my life now. No one will ever encourage or discourage me from not having a questionable person in my life. My gut will know who they are. I don’t care who dislikes or likes a person. My choice to have them in my life is solely mine.
- If I don’t like a job, I’ll leave. We spend a huge majority of our life in our jobs. Why we are expected to devote our time to something we do not enjoy is beyond me. I always encouraged my ex-husband to do the same. We both worked in this mindset. We both were successful. I am far better off with a self-employed career. However, I have to think of the next fifteen years and my security. So, I shall do what needs to be done. It’s my time now to chase those fireflies and find something that brings a spark in my life.
- I am the same person to everyone. If you’re good to me, you’ll get 100% of my heart. If you’re not, you’ll know it. If you cross the line and break me in any way, I’ll probably hunt you down. Some may say that I have an evil side. No, it’s not evil. It’s just standing up for myself and my morals. If you so happened to cross the line with me, coming back into my life will be a challenge. As my friend Paul says….”Trina’s favourite line is…he needs to be told.” He has now taken that saying to a new level in his life and is far more successful in his business. I’m also very honest in every action I say or do to my friends. Sometimes, I feel like an ass for the things I’ve said or done but I’m always willing to kick my ass in front of people that I trust.
I look at life as an adventure. There are some awesome parts and some really crappy parts too. We make good decisions and, we make a whole lot of bad ones too! I have swayed into the norm far too much the past few years. Public opinion has often guided me. I refused to compromise my happiness or the unsettling feeling of just “living.” That’s not what life is all about.
The coulda, shoulda, woulda enveloped my life where I accepted things I should have never accepted. I can only hope that my life going forward makes my heart sing. May my life be well lived that it encourages others to smile and live their best life too!