When I was a child, I used to walk up the sidewalk pretend I was in a television show. I loved Three’s Company and Charlie’s Angels. One minute I was Chrissy snorting, the next minute I was Kelly Garret fighting the forces of evil. I dreamed of being on television.
In my teenage years, I would cocoon myself in a corner and sing along to my favorite songs. I wanted to be a singer.
In my late teens, my love of singing never dissipated. However, when someone would say to me, “You’re funny Trina!”, I would respond by saying “I’ll see you on Saturday Night Live. Oh yes, I will be on that stage!”
Through my twenties, I was too busy for dreams. I was raising a family, dealing with family issues, and trying to figure out myself (which was complicated in itself).
My mid-thirties was to live the life I missed in my twenties raising children. I would gather with friends, karaoke (never lost my love of singing), attend family gatherings, and go out dancing when a precious moment presented itself.
I am thirty-eight and all I can say is that life passed me by, but my dreams are still larger than life. This time though, I’m working my ta-ta’s off to achieve them. I have a huge bucket list that consists of challenging myself and having fun.
There have been so many deaths over the past few years that it’s become a race against the clock for me. I don’t want to start living and dreaming big when it is too late. I want to do it now…..like Yesterday!
We spend so much time worrying about our things, our children, our health and our loved ones that we simply forget to have fun! We make excuses for not having fun. We become resentful after making the excuses. Yes, life is serious, but if it’s too serious, are you living? Is it a crime to dream big and follow those dreams come hell or high water?
So here it is:
Toronto Hotels – I want to be your in-house blogger during the Toronto Film Festival
Toronto Magazines and Bloggers – I would like to write about my experiences at the Toronto Film Festival.
Ellen DeGeneres – After completing those tasks, I am going to make a video showing you that I can be your comedic edge at the Toronto Film Festival and other Canadian Events.
School – I will go back to school for journalism. It’s just not going to happen next year unless I receive a huge payout somehow. I’m ok with that.
Comedy – I want to write one stand up comedic act and present it on Open Mic Night. They may boo me, but I want to do it.
I am ready to take any risk that is presented to me. I am ready to live…(well I have been for about a year now)….but I just want to throw it out there again!
Til Next Time,