What does 200 women do at an event that teaches them how to monetize on their hobby? Well for me, it did not include taking many pictures or tweeting much! Yes, I am one of the Bloggers to attend the 2-day ShesConnected Conference on September 29, 2011.
Laptops, Tablets and Smartphones were in heavy use during the ShesConnected Conference with women taking copious notes and tweeting about how to hone on their craft.
When I learned, and later read in the Toronto Star, that 55 million women across North America read other women’s blogs every month, I was flabbergasted to know the power that I had in my hands.
For myself, I’m in blogger limbo as I started off blogging for family and then it eventually evolved. I see myself as a cross between Oprah and Ellen; compassion, charity, a love for celebrity and a little humour. I’ll be singing with Lady Gaga in concert one month, heading to MMVA’s the next month only to meet her, and then advocating against bullying a week later. What a montage for a blogger!
With huge sponsors ripe for the picking, like Ford, Toshiba, and Molson, just where do I fit in? Really, I felt like swooping in with my giveaway cape on and declaring myself a born again Product Reviewer!! However, that’s not me and those women put in so much time and effort. I salute them! I love concerts, events and parties, but I’m what you least expect; I’m over-weight, super friendly, compassionate, an infectious laugh (so I’m told) and a life of the party!
Along with doing my blog as a hobby, there’s another crux. Generally, I charge a lot for my “at work” time. I know my value and have already put a price tag on it. So do I sway away from my professional integrity for free things? Hmm…sometimes that’s not a bad thing.
For example, a concert sponsored by Molson is no less than $80.00 for good seats. My underage daughter is my sidekick. Bonus! I am a celebrity blogger, amongst many other things. I love to mix, mingle and talk to the rich, famous, and the concert goers. I belong to no clique, everyone is my oyster
Winning a $500.00 gas card today, provided by Ford Canada, put me in budget saving bliss. Free gas for my escapades to Toronto, COUNT ME IN! Thank you. When it comes to vehicles, I simply would be too nervous to borrow one! You see, I’m a klutz by nature, even though I have had only one fender bender in my life. Murphy’s Law, I’d damage the darn thing. On the flip side, I would love to take a Ford Explorer to my hometown of Gaspe, Quebec. We need lots of luggage and feet space for the twenty-one hour drive. Not only that, it would make a great blog post with scenic pictures along the way.
What more can I say than I’m a digital lady, so Toshiba as a sponsor tugs at my heart strings. After previewing the tablet today, I know what I want and I want it now. I would gladly take one in overstock and call it free trade. I want a tablet that I can blog with on WordPress and Tumblr with ease.
Finally, all those food sponsors. Well, we are a family of 4 adult portions now. Need I say more about our monthly grocery budget? A little free stuff from Jane’s Family Food, Maple Leaf, Sobey’s, and Chicken Farmers can go a long way!!
Yes, I can go a long way on free stuff but it has to be worth my while! It has to be something that I NEED or something I WANT to do. Otherwise, I take cash, cheque, or Paypal.
I know in my heart why my heart is glowing tonight. It is the fantastic relationships that I created with my fellow bloggers and the brands.
- We laughed, we talked, and we shot the sh**.
- We learned who was nice (and who wasn’t) in the blogging world.
- We learned that we could connect and discuss our ideas without prejudice.
- We learned that we can party and drink wine in a very small space without killing one another.
- We also learned that we could be a shoulder to cry on when the struggles of parenting get in the way of our craft.
Yes, blogging can include a lot of free stuff, but the most valuable thing we can take with us and ultimately treasure for life is the lasting friendships made.
I had such a wonderful time and I owe it all to the Shesconnected coordinators and the brands for selecting me. I may be the crunchy burnt morsels within the big fries, under the heating rack, but I truly know that my voice can be just as valuable!
I only hope that my blog can prosper and grow, as fruitful as my new friendships, with the information and memories that I have taken home with me.