The past three weeks has been a ride (for lack of better words). I’ve quit smoking, but I’ve also learned a lot about myself and the process of addiction.
I’m far from cured because smoking is the first thing I think about when I wake up and most of the time that last thing I think of when I go to bed.
I have been eating more and as my daughter has put it “Secluding myself to my bedroom to avoid conflict and stress”. Yes, stress. The only true emotion that has driven me to take a puff of a cigarette over the past three weeks. The stress of my job, my boss, my clients, my teens and my parents coming for Christmas is very overwhelming. It makes me step back and question what can I eliminate from the stress equation.
Realistically, I’m on contract. Therefore, I think come January 2012, I will be cutting back my hours to focus on the next six months. I may even consider taking a different approach to my own business as Social Media is so under rated.
I have decided that I love my clients. However, come January 2012, I will not hesitate to fire a client if they become too much to handle. I think being more intuitive when taking them on will help select the client’s who you want to go to the end’s of the earth for.
In regards to family, well we can’t do anything about that except put up with it and hope that the rough teen years will bring about good citizens adults.
I have to find something new to completely relieve my stress level. I have gained some weight because I’m also eating to self soothe. This week is weight loss week despite it being Christmas week. I may not lose weight, but it will be a week of mental preparation much like what I did to quit smoking.
If I don’t address it soon my butt probably won’t fit in the tub by 2012.