Well I, Christina plan to do a lot of reviews on YouTube and on here ( this blog) about a lot of Garnier Products. My whole house is now loaded with many Garnier products ready for a review! I am super excited to write about all of these amazing products since Garnier has already done so much with my hair
I am going to talk about one thing today.. That thing is….
Garnier Pure Oil Control Exfo-Brusher Wash.
I’ve had it for maybe 3-4 days now, and WOW has it ever made a big difference to my skin so far! It’s a miracle product as my blackheads were the size of manholes!
I have used it for the last 3-4 mornings and nights and I can say I’ve seen a BIG difference so far! The bottle (for myself) was easy to hold, the directions were totally clear! I have nothing negative to say about this product!
Actually, I think my skin has never felt any cleaner since I’ve started using it! It feels totally fresh!
Here is Garniers description of the whole product ; The dual-action Oil Control Exfo-brusher from Garnier is an innovative cleanser that aims to limit excess serum and unclog pores to rid the skin of blackheads
My advice is to get rid of any kind of black head or oil control cleanser and go straight to Garnier to be honest!
I can’t say anything negative about any of their products because lets face it, Garnier uses natural oils in all their products!
Well there will be more Garnier reviews coming the next two weeks! So keep your eyes open there might be some Garnier Giveaways soon!