Another blog post about Oprah, but such a positive one about how I created Trina (You) Inc.
The circumstances of my evening went from troubled to amazing after having a telephone discussion with one of my favorite life coaches on Twitter.
Wait I’m getting way ahead of my story here……
How I met @MyBestLifeCoach
Well figuratively speaking I haven’t met her in person, but I’ve had several conversations with her via Twitter and Facebook. Our discussion to take it to the next level was me seeing a tweet about the Canadian OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) Ambassadors heading to Los Angeles for O You! in October. I responded by asking how does one become an OWN Ambassador and my declaration of how I would love to be on this journey with them.
It started there! Tonight was our first conversation about how I can join 10 other Canadian OWN Ambassadors, on their way to LA to see Oprah, on a limited budget.
What Oprah is to ME!
I know…another Oprah rant. Oprah is the driving force behind her brand. I admire her so much for her courage to forge through the trials and tribulations of life to become a leader to so many young women in the world. Oprah’s passion to Live Your Best Life has given me the power and courage to try things without fear, to be the person I have been hiding from for so many years, and to be appreciative of so many of gifts in life.
Her thoughts are passed without judgement and her ears always open to new ideas and thoughts. I love how she tweets during her shows and listens passionately to her online audience. (Yes, I truly believe that it’s her fingers on that keyboard)
Being You!
Being me hasn’t always been an easy task. I was brought up to disclose little about my life despite having diarrhea of the mouth. There has always been a little piece of me that I was holding back. In fact, it was the greatest part me. Then came the Internet and better yet, then came blogging. My voice…..my venue…….my playground. Being me has never been easier. I write, I network in real life, and ever so slowly my online and offline personality came together like peas and carrots. I’m fun loving, yet cautious. I’m a joker, but I know business. I’m caring…..I’ve never changed that aspect. My heart and ears will always be there to listen to others.
I am the Canadian Oprah known by few, loved by many, and blessed for the person that I have become just in the nick of time. I’ll be 40 this year, but I still feel like my 20’s are yet to come!
My Initial Mood at the Beginning of our Phone Conversation
Tonight I was irked. One of my wonderful blogger friends and a large brand (who we all have in our oven drawers) was hideously ridiculed today for a unfortunate boo-boo on Twitter today. Really, I don’t see it as a boo-boo because in actual fact there were over 26,000 entries, not entrants. Long story short, I wanted to write a blog post and ROAR my thoughts about this situation so those in the mountains in Tibet could hear me.
I immediately explained to MyBestLifeCoach why I was angry. I said, “If a big brand like this can be bullied into saying I’m sorry, where does this leave my very small clients? If I let them do their own thing am I sending out to the wolves?”
I finally realized that this anger I was feeling had nothing to do with me. However, it had a lot to do with the compassion I had for those involved. I’m like Superman, I always want to step in a heal the wounds. I felt for my friend, I felt for the brand I didn’t know, and I felt for that person behind the computer who was completely oblivious about the different Social Media tools out there. I also felt for the “do-gooders” who needed to vent out the brand’s faux pas in public.
MyBestLifeCoach, just listened. I felt so much better. Sigh!
When Frustration became a Plan of Action
On to better topics…how can I find the finances to see my life mentor Oprah in Los Angeles AND have lunch with her? How can I take my own brand (Trina Inc.) to a new level and plant the seeds to seize this opportunity?
This is where the whole conversation molded together (It was more like BAM!). I am a great person and advocate online and off. I’ve been a listener, helper, brand ambassador, and friend. I’ve been to many events and have written many wonderful reviews. I have also been controversial in my thoughts and feelings at times. At the end of the day, I have not allowed the influence of others guide or influence my journey.
Much like Oprah, I’ve done this my way and I have become quite successful with my journey. After all, I finally became me, Trina Inc.
Trina Inc. Wants to Lunch with Oprah Winfrey
With that said, I have a 3-month mission. My mission is to work harder than anyone else has ever done before for an opportunity. I want to become part of the Canadian OWN Ambassadors journey to have lunch with Oprah.
- If there is a sponsor out there that can assist me, then I promise you that I will not disappoint.
- If there is a magazine who requires a humorous writer who shares her life, in a no holds barred fashion then I’m your lady!
- Heck, if there is a farmer who needs their crops harvested in September, count me in! Just let me write a blog post to promote how kind you were. (You know I’ll do it) 🙂
I am not the typical 101 social media influencer who follows the rules and regulations of what’s the norm! If social media is about engagement, are there really rules on being You Inc? Of course NOT!
I am Trina Inc. and I will do anything to help you brand your business so I can live the best of mine! How can my skills help you?
For media and sponsorship inquiries, please feel free to visit my contact page above or [email protected] will work as well! I always respond in less than 2 hours.
Thanks MyBestLifeCoach for listening!