Taylor Swift’s Lyrics are generally true stories of love done wrong. Similar to Carly Simon’s mysterious song ‘You’re So Vain’, Taylor sings about her failed celebrity romances and generates a buzz with her fan base who question who she is talking about.
In the December issue of Cosmopolitian, Swift confesses, “I can’t deal with someone wanting to take a relationship backward or needing space or cheating on you. It’s a conscious thing: it’s a common sense thing. … I just don’t ever want to end up in a relationship that isn’t fair ever again.”
While Taylor eats margherita pie and sips on iced tea during the two-hour interview, she explains that is still looking for that one true thing. “I need that unexplainable spark,” Swift says. “I just need to see someone and feel oh, no, uh-oh. It’s only happened a few times in my life, but I feel like if I was gonna be with someone forever, it would be because I saw them and I thought, Oh, no.”
When asked what lyrics on her album ‘Red’ resonates the most with her, Taylor responds, “I have a chalkboard in my house in L.A., and every week, I’ve been writing a new lyric on it from the record just to figure out which ones pop out to me, which seem most important. There’s a song that’s the first track on the record, and it says, “Love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right.” That’s been my whole philosophy on love this whole time anyway. ”
Swift has been in several celebrity relationships, including John Mayer, Taylor Lautner, and recently, Connor Kennedy from the infamous Kennedy clan. I’m quite happy that latter didn’t work out because they appear to have their share of troubles.
Taylor Swift will be touring starting March 13th and will be performing in Toronto at the ACC on June 15th at the Rogers Centre.