So recently I have been hearing a lot about people trying to lose weight. Most in safe healthy beneficial ways, some in terrible ways, such as anorexia and bulimia. I have to say I know this has been going on for a long time in the media from models to actors to artists and even just normal people, people I know.

I will never understand why anyone would cause themselves so much discomfort and damage to their body just to impress someone or have someone say they look good. If you’re going to get in shape do it for yourself and do it in a healthy way. I stay healthy and in shape by doing a few simple exercises along with my hobby of BMX biking. Every day I wake up or go to bed I do 25 sit ups and 50 dumbbell curls it has defiantly made a huge difference since I started in grade 10 and I feel confident and healthy.
Getting an active hobby can be extremely fun and good for you , whether you do it on your own , with your family or with friends.
Some would say I’m lucky because I can’t really gain weight due to a nutrition disorder called Gilbert syndrome, but I can defiantly feel when I am unhealthy. When I don’t eat I feel a great amount of discomfort due to this, and it’s what makes me so upset when I hear about people starving themselves to look good.
There are so many options to getting in shape that can be fun and challenging. For example ,biking with my friends is one of my favourite past times and it is a great cardio workout.
I would say the media is to blame for many people turning to unhealthy weight loss methods and I think this will never change. We can only hope.