Republic Live, organizers of the Boots and Hearts Music Festival, announced earlier today that tickets and camping for the 2015 festival will go on sale at 12 pm ET on Friday, October 31, 2014. The festival has grown considerably in three short years to become Canada’s largest camping and country music festival and in an effort to provide the best fan experience possible the event is being relocated to the Burl’s Creek site in Oro-Medonte, 15 minutes north of Barrie. Last week Florida Georgia Line announced they would be headlining the event and a formal artist announcement from Republic Live will take place next week on November 5th during the CMA Awards.
Florida Georgia Line To Headline Boots and Hearts 2015
“Our two biggest requests in our post-festival survey were to make more camping available and to have Florida Georgia Line headline in 2015, so we’re really excited to be able to make this announcement for our fans,” said Shannon McNevan, Executive Director, Republic Live. “The newly renovated grounds at Burls Creek will allow us to offer way more camping and add to the amazing #Bootslife community on-site. With our fans ranking Florida Georgia Line as their #1 artist to see for 2015 we went after them with everything we had and it was really cool to hear them talk about being so stoked to play our event. We’ve changed up a few of our ticket offerings this year so we’re encouraging everyone to go to our website and take a look so they know exactly what they want to buy before we go on-sale October 31st. We fully expect to sell out of all of our price points quickly again this year and all items, including camping and parking, are limited.”
Boots and Hearts 2015 tickets are available exclusively at www.bootsandhearts.com and fans are encouraged to buy early as General Admission tickets are released in allotments at various price points. Once that price point sells out all other items, including camping options, parking, shower passes, etc. are put ON HOLD until the next allotment of tickets is released at the next price point and then all items are released again for ON-SALE. This ensures that only those purchasing tickets have access to all other options such as camping and the process is equitable to all fans.
2015 Boots and Hearts Ticket Info
A few other key changes have been made to tickets offerings this year such as premium tickets can only be purchased as part of the Premium Experience Packages, not as upgrades, and no single day passes will be available, only full event tickets are being offered for 2015. General Admission tickets, premium tickets, camping, parking and shower passes will all go on-sale at 12 pm EST on Friday, October 31, 2014 and full details are available at www.bootsandhearts.com.
Details on all tickets and camping offerings are currently available atwww.bootsandhearts.com and the full-event General Admission early-bird tickets for $199.99, along with all other offerings, will go on sale at 12 pm ET on Friday, October 31, 2014. Organizers are reminding fans that all items are limited in quantity and they expect the event to sell out well in advance of the festival date, similarly to last year.
All tickets and camping offerings are currently available at www.bootsandhearts.com and will go on sale on Friday, October 31st at 12 pm ET.