Well it’s no surprise to anyone, who follows my blog, that I simply reach towards the stars even at 5’3. I do not give up as I have the belief that if you ask, you shall receive.
Yes, I made a silly video to Ellen Degeneres that, in my wildest dreams, I would have never done in my twenties and early thirties. It’s actually silly to me now, however, Youtube is the parallel to Ellen so why not take a chance? I also realize that I’m 1 in a million so the probability of getting that phone call is next to nil. However, it’s OK to dream right?
Six years ago, I never imagined that I’d meet such wonderful people through my blogs. Realistically, when I read more about the Power of Women’s Show, the more I realize that this event, in it’s entirety, is the essence of ME. I love to make women feel powerful even in my very insecure over-weight state of mind.
So despite the fact of having no money to attend this event and my extreme desire to meet Ellen, here are my reasons as to why I’d love to go to the Power of Women’s Conference, in Toronto Ontario, August 11,2011.
- I speak my truth at all times even when I’m embarrassed to share some points of the story. There’s always a heartfelt story to any event that I attend.
- I am constantly trying to be my authentic self by breaking the barriers of being a 38 year-old mother of two.
- I have the continuous desire to grow and learn.
- I genuinely want to hear what these women have to say and I will take their words and attempt to make yet another change in my life.
- I will most definitely share those words with you, my readers, in hopes that we can make a change together.
- It won’t just be a chance to meet a star, but an opportunity to embrace them in their natural state.
So, this beautiful Saturday morning inside the house has not been in vain. I have done a lot of research, and I have stepped up a notch from a creating simplistic video to Ellen, to realizing the true meaning of her visit.
To inspire, encourage, and share. I never ask my readers for anything but I hope you will all assist me in my plight, by sharing this message.