Well I haven’t written all that much but I wanted to point out that my beautiful smile, fat bottom, and my goal to participate in the Heart and Stroke Ride for Heart in Toronto made it to the Kitchener Record.
Mostly, I did it to promote the ride, but it also give me some accountability that people are out there rooting for me.
I’m starting Booty Boot Camp in Kitchener next Monday and my friend and I have also committed to working out. I’m hoping that my foot will hold up.
I have also been approached by Laura Sparks, personal trainer, to assist me in training properly.
I’m very excited that so many great people have reached out to me. I so need the help that I always stubbornly refuse.
In regards to smoking, well I’ve made a few blunders over the holidays. However, I’m not going to crucify myself and go back into the old adage of slipping back into the same old shoes. I’m looking forward and never back.