On her way to the “Liz and Dick” set on Friday, Lindsay Lohan’s Porsche rear ended a 18-wheeler on the Pacific Coast highway. No one was injured but Lohan and her assistant were taken to hospital as a precaution and quickly released.
TMZ.com reports that despite several visible injuries on Lohan’s body, she put her best foot forward and continued shooting later that day. Lindsay has been so dedicated to this role that nothing, not even a car accident that totals her car, will thwart her from completing this film in a timely manner.
Today, the driver of the 18-wheeler has added a new twist to the story and apparently his story can be replayed on the 911 tape. He reports that Lohan’s assistant and the driver of the Cadillac Escalade that followed behind Lohan, tried to bribe him with money. The driver reported that upon leaving the Porsche, Lohan’s assistant stuffed something into a pink bag, put clothing over top of it and put it in the awaiting Escalade.
The driver was not concerned about the contents of the bag, but wanted to ensure that the party did not take off from the scene. He called 911 when he sensed that this was going to take place.
What’s up with Lohan now? Is the driver looking for his 10-seconds of fame or are his claims legitimate?