My dad takes me driving every night! I find it completely hilarious how my father is actually SCARED of driving with me and how he fears for his life every time. Actually, most of the time, we usually get in a big fight and I don’t talk to him for the rest of the night. Thinking about it I realize that he will only let me drive with him when it’s in our neighbourhood..
My mother on the other hand will let me drive where-ever and when-ever. To be honest, I think I’m probably the better driver with her. I feel calm with her. When I am with my father, I feel the hairs on my neck standing up.
Other then that I haven’t done a whole lot of driving. I’ve been trying to get my mother to allow me to drive to school but I don’t see that happening since my brother also is scared of my driving… (What’s up with the “men” in my family?)…
Actually, a few days ago my father was driving me around town and I notice some of the things he had criticize me about (Turning or going when a car was almost coming) he was doing the same things and he blamed them on “Bad Habits”! COME ON DAD?! He is trying to mould me into being a better driver.. I think I will let Young Drivers handle that!
On the side note of all of that driving talk, I just want to say sorry for everyone who has been waiting for me to write something but recently my dog has had issues and well…. destroyed my computer!
Saying that my computer is back even though, I do warn you that school is coming to an end and school is my first priority at the moment and might be for the summer if I attend summer school! -__- (Hopefully not! I have faith in myself!!)
Onto other news, I am very excited for the summer I have big plans, but I am mostly excited for is June!
June is going to be a great month! I have my schools 50th reunion and I’ve been helping out with a lot of the set up and preparation and will be helping out with the event!
We had a media pass for Hockeyfest…but that fell through with the cancellation. IMAGINE!! My first media pass and it was cancelled!
You’re probably wondering what I plan to be writing about this following summer. I will be talking more about teen driving and more about Young Drivers of Canada and how awesome the courses are! As well, I will be talking about exam prep, summer, losing weight and so much more! I have tons of plans!
Lastly something I’ve been waiting for since June of last year …. MMVA’S!!! I am soooo excited. As you may know I met Lady Gaga last year and well, I plan to meet my second favs! (LMFAO and Katy Perry!) I can’t wait!
Anyways, I better go back to my English assignment. Wish me luck!