44 Days to go until the 2012 Toronto Film Festival. The press conference announced all of the films that will be gracing the screens in the various theaters across Toronto.
World premiere galas at TIFF 2012 includes Argo, Silver Linings Playbook, Hyde Park on Hudson, and Great Expectations. With great movies coming to our great city of Toronto come great actors and actresses walking the Red Carpet at TIFF 2012.
Here are just some of the celebrities expected to attend this annual event celebrating the best in film.
Bruce Willis
Ben Affleck
Robert Redford
Robert De Niro
Kate Hudson
Gwyneth Paltrow
Uma Thurman
Bradley Cooper
Sam Elliot
John Cleese
Rachel McAdams
Tom Hanks
Hugo Weaving
Hugh Grant
Halle Berry
Keith David
Emily Blunt
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Matt Dillon
Jackie Chan
Keira Knightley
Noah Segan
Annette Benning
Shia Labeouf
Christian Scott Thomas
Phillip Seymour Hoffamn
Susan Saradon
Anna Kendrick