I don’t know if you all remember the days of twangy country music, Seagrams gin, and bar room scuffles. Yes, as a child, my basement was sure exciting some nights. Today, we remember lengendary Kitty Wells who passed away at 92 due to complications from a stroke.
Wells’ career began in the 1930s, and her solo recording career continued from 1952 to the late ’70s. Even at the ripe old age of 80, she continued to tour. Amazing….I have a hard time getting off the couch past 8pm.
Wells is best known for her songs “It wasn’t God who made Honky Tonk Angels” and “Making Believe”. It’s amazing that she comes from a time where the Grand Ole Opry asked her not to sing “It Wasn’t God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels” when she performed and radio stations refused to play it.
Just think……now we have songs like “Whistle” by Flo Ride playing on our radio stations for all of our generation to sing to.
According to the Times, Wells is survived by a son, Bobby; a daughter, Sue Wright Sturdivant; eight grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and five great-great-grandchildren.
Here’s to the Honky Tonk Angel that won many of our grandfather and father’s hearts!