Lindsay Lohan has labelled Dr. Phil a fraud after a rather strange interview with Dinah Lohan on his show.
Lohan posted bitter tweets about the TV psychologist on Saturday (29.09.12). She deleted most of them later. She wrote: “@DrPhil You should be ashamed of yourself. What kind of man takes advantage of a woman @her most vulnerable state? YOU are the fraud.”
Dinah lashed out on critics for insulting her parenting skills and judging Lindsay’s upbringing due to her many stints in criminal court that ultimately sent her to jail a time or two.
Dina responded “karma” to a person who tweeted a message to Lindsay saying: “It was painfully clear that @dinalohan was uncomfortable and he exploited her insecurities shamefully!”
Dinah claims that she was not drunk during the interview but was extremely upset. Dinah’s behavior was very strange…so much so that Dr. Phil was even baffled with her at times. I’ll let you be the judge about Dinah and her take on the life of the Lohans.
Here is the full interview from the Dr. Phil Show.