There was no shortage of Pop Culture news in 2012. 2012 was the year of trashy books and reality television gossip. Boy, have we evolved since the 80’s!
Here are just a few of the Pop Culture highlights of 2012.
Fifty Shade of Grey
Fifty Shades of Grey, written by E L James, rose to the top of the New York Times bestseller list in 2012. Twitter was a flutter with discussions, Twitter Parties and Blogger conferences that focused on the Fifty Shade trilogy. It wasn’t hard to see that the target audience for this book was the typical housewife.
I wonder how many men acted on their wives new found lust for neckties, spankings, and red rooms?
Did you read the trilogy? I sure did 🙂
Tanning Mom
How this mom could even get this tanned and not think it was dangerous was beyond me. However, to expose her 5-year-old child to tanning beds was absolutely ludicrous.
Patricia Krentcil (Tanning Mom), who is now untanned and looking radiant in her own skin, now has a video and book on how to care for your skin.
Honey Boo Boo
I’m not one to condone child beauty pageants. I think every child has their own uniqueness that parent’s should encourage without the stress of competition based on beauty.
I never did “get” Honey Boo Boo’s rise to fame and quite personally, I think to snicker at a family for their lifestyle is just wrong.
On the flip side, we are a culture that will do just about anything for a little fame and a few bucks. It’ll be interesting to see just how long little Honey Boo Boo can handle it and what executives of TLC and her parent’s are doing to maintain her child innocence.
Snooki has a baby
I have to admit that I watched Jersey Shore a time or two. The wild antics of these 20-something New Jersey natives brought me back to the days of being carefree and spontaneous. While we probably didn’t go that crazy, we did settle down in the end.
Snooki is a prime example of a bad girl gone good after giving birth to her son, Lorenzo.
The Death of Whitney Houston
Whitney Houston, 48, died on February 11, 2012. Her legendary voice rocked our high school dances back in the 80’s while her youthful innocence proved to us that dreams do come true.
Whitney Houston battled drug addiction for many years which included to stints in rehab. She always be remembered as one of the greatest pop culture divas.
Super Couple Heidi Klum and Seal Divorce
Celebrity marriages come and go, but this one shocked me to the core. The ever so loving in public Heidi Klum and Seal separated in January 2012, after 7 years of marriage.
Not only did this couple give the perception of marital bliss, but it has been reported that they renewed their vows yearly.
They both have moved on and what’s left is the song.
Amanda Bynes DUI
Yes, even the sweet and innocent child stars do wrong in Hollywood. Amanda Bynes was arrested in April 2012 for driving under the influence of alcohol. She was released from jail the following day where bail was set at $5,000.
In June, Bynes took to Twitter and tweeted the American President, Barack Obama. “I don’t drink,” she tweets to @BarackObama. “Please fire the cop who arrested me. I also don’t hit and run. The end.”
Between Lindsay Lohan and Amanda’s antics this year, it is time for some damage control before someone gets hurt or even killed.
Oprah Comes to Canada
This was the highlight of my year! Oprah Winfrey came to Toronto Canada in April 2012. The lines were fierce getting inside the Toronto Convention Centre, but it was so worth it!
At the beginning of the evening, I was sitting a 1/4 mile from the stage when a lady tapped my back and instructed me to follow her. Before Oprah’s grand entrance I was sitting three rows from her. I was completely floored!
Share with us! What was the best Pop Culture news story this year?