I recently attended the Bon Jovi concert in Toronto, Ontario. My friend offered me the tickets and I was so excited to attend with my best friend Sharon. Upon my arrival, my excitement escalated. Bon Jovi appeared and opened the show “You Give Love a Bad Name” opened the show. Immediately, I was taken back to being thirteen again. A young girl who was struggling through life as teenager. I was was a bit chunky heading into high school and boy if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn’t have been ashamed of myself.
Despite the trials of being a teen, I absolutely loved the freedom and the excitement that I created for myself. Good times, good friends, and great memories. Why the f*** must we age so quickly?
I want Bon Jovi to look like this forever!
So I can feel like I’m this young forever! (And my Dad too!)
Instead they now look like this (still hot, just older)
Overall it was a great night. This is the first concert that took me back to my youth in such a reminiscent way. Prince couldn’t do it and Prince was my guy right through my teenage years. Perhaps it’s simply because Prince really didn’t change his look much.
I went home and continued to think about all of my teenage shenanigans and was grateful to have gotten through in one piece. While I looked in the mirror to apply my anti-aging Lancome cream on my face, I thought to myself…..
“Fuck, 40 really does suck but it’s up to me to rekindle the teen in me no matter what age I am.” That night I had the most vivid dreams of my youth. It was awesome.
The next day I informed the kids…”If you dare move out of this house before attempting to live your dreams and having lots of fun, I’m going to kill you. Live the dream…..I’ll take care of the shelter and food until you do.”