Quite honestly, This was one of my more successful years at TIFF! I went down Friday and Saturday. I didn’t really see anyone on Friday BUT I did see a lot of people Saturday!
On Saturday, I went down around 11 to see if I could catch a glimpse of Mike Myers! We waited outside Roy Thompson Hall for about an hour and a half before Mike showed up. We met a lot of nice people who informed us that Alice Cooper would be arriving for Mike’s movie.
Alice arrived and he signed for a lot of his fans. THEN out of no where Tom Arnold showed up. I called him over and he took ONE photo and that was with me!
When Mike showed up there was a man asked my friend and I if we wanted to see the movie. My quick response was “HELL YEAH I DO.” He gave us the tickets but I was hell bent to see Mike so we waited for a bit before going in. I’m glad I did because when Mike arrived, I called him over before he went in to do interviews! I also managed to snagged this photo of Mike, My Friend Kevin, and I.
After Mike left, we decided to head in. I asked one of the FABULOUS volunteers where we had to go and she informed us that our tickets weren’t just ordinary tickets but a ticket to the “Red Carpet Lounge”! We were escorted to this room where you can see the celebrities walk pass to go to the theatre. There were free drinks, food and reserved seats waiting for us to see the show!
I was really excited to see this documentary because this was Mike Myer’s first film that he directed. The documentary was about Alice Cooper’s (and many others) AMAZING manager Shep Gordon. I recommend this HILARIOUS and inspiring documentary to anyone. It’s called Supermensch: The Legend of Shep Gordon.
It really was one of the best films I’ve seen at TIFF and I’ve seen many.