MY BLOG IS BACK!! I will get into that in another post. I have waited a long time to write this review of the ‘Gaslighter’ album, by the newly named The Chicks.
It’s no secret that singer, Natalie Maines, was revved up over her separation with her ex. It really must be nice to have the money to fight to have your voice fly free. I’m not allowed to say a much about mine, but the Gaslighter Album pretty much covers it all in song.
From the gaslighting to dealing with a young man, the lyrics of this album are “on point” for any woman going through the divorce and betrayal process. Seriously, it gave me hope, it made me smile, and it made me feel less alone in my despair.
The words, in every song of this album, depicts the journey of what a person goes through after separation, betrayal, and the process of divorce. I felt every song to my core. I live it daily. I salut every woman and man who has faced the betrayal of a spouse and came out better.
It’s not over until it’s over….or is it? Will The Chicks create a new album about awakenings and a second life? I’d love to interview Natalie, but I’m just a “little” Canadian blog.
I truly believe that this song is the beginning of the end of a toxic relationship. It’s a perfect start to the album and the “story of us ending”. The anger. The awakening that the words from his mouth, “Til Death Do Us Part”, was a lie. The lies, the manipulation, and the frustration for being so discardable, with no real apology, is just too much to take. You must scream it out loud.
And the girl on the boat? Good luck….he’s a Gaslighter.
You thought I wouldn’t see it if you put it in my face
Give you all my money you’ll gladly walk away
You think it’s justifiable I think it’s pretty cruel
And you know you lie best when you lie to you
Cause boy you know exactly what you did on my boat
And boy that’s exactly why you ain’t comin’ home
Save your tired stories for your new someone else
Cause they’re lie lie lie lie lies
Look out you little Gaslighter
The Chicks, Gaslighter
This song really doesn’t resonate with me, aside from wondering how a betrayer sleeps at night. I have a few friends who have ex’s who are with the women who they cheated with. They have boys, who ARE becoming men, and there is nothing funny about the actions against their mother.
My husband’s girlfriend’s husband just called me up
How messed up is that It’s so insane that I have to laugh
But then I think about our two boys trying to become men
There’s nothing funny about that
The Chicks, Gaslighter
Texas Man is a fun song. I think once everything sinks in, we all think about what we want in a new love. They don’t have to have money. They don’t need to have a successful job. What we need is someone who can put up with our past pain and how we came out of it a little “too much”. Much like our friends who put up with “too much”.
We need someone who is “in” as much as we are.
Yeah I could use a Texas Man
Who’s not afraid to take his time
He’s gotta have patient hands
Cause the way to my heart is through my mind
Been way too long since somebody’s body kept me up all night
Yeah that good kinda keepin’ me up all night
The Chicks
This is by far the saddest song on the ‘Gaslighter’ Album. It hits me to the core. Between the justice system and how, as a society, we accept marital betrayal as an every day occurrence is sickening.
Once it happens to you, your perspective on how we view betrayal is life changing. It hits us to the core where we wonder why more people aren’t feeling the anger and hate that we feel. That said, we hopped into bed with them nightly, we know them best. Everyone else is blinded by societal beliefs and family bonds that they are too afraid or gullible to stand tall.
It’s my body and I’m trying to
Hate you cause I want to
It’s my body and I’m trying to
While Everybody Loves You
It’s my body and I’m trying to
Forgive you
I don’t want to
It’s my body and it hates you
Why does everybody love you
The Chicks, Gaslighter
This is MY song. At first, I didn’t like it as I thought the “Why Can’t We Be Together” lyrics was begging for him. As I listened to the words, that’s not what it means at all. It’s being together FOR HER; The betrayed and the one left for dead by the man who supposedly loved her.
On my way to court last week, I played this. I know emotions don’t come into play there, but I feel I will always stand up for her. No matter who she is, I will always stand with the betrayed women and men out there. I’ll be loud and ‘for her’; ALWAYS.
So dig a little bit deeper
And be a whole lot louder
And a lot less guarded
Cause it takes it takes
It takes a lot of hard work
To get a whole lot stronger
Cause it’s real tough girl
Why can’t we be together
Why can’t we love For Her
The Chicks, Gaslighter
This song really showcases the political temperature with Black Lives Matters and Native American Rights. However, It’s my considered opinion that it fits so perfectly because, at least in Canada, the betrayed really doesn’t get any justice in an emotional sense. The emotions and the mental health issues that arise from betrayal leaves us marching alone, staying quiet, and ultimately losing our voice in the process. We march alone until we find ourselves. And where is Natalie Maines? Marching to her own drum and fighting for human rights. Exactly, what I’ve done the past 18 months for my life.
Standing with Emma and our sons and daughters
Watchin’ our youth have to solve our problems
I’ll follow them so who’s comin’ with me
Half of you love me
Half already hate me
The Chicks, Gaslighter
The lyrics below really says it all. Once marital separation happens and knowing the grief they’d cause, they’d still torch you. They are afterall, Gaslighters.
Met you at my best friend’s wedding
There was somethin’ about you
You set off fireworks that evening
With a flicker of untruth
Jump twenty years jump twenty years twenty years yeah
Lookin’ back in retrospect I was never safe
I was never safe still not safe yeah
You’d torch me any chance you’d get
The Chicks, Gaslighter
The anger stage of the grief process is WELL defined in the song ‘Tights on My Boat’ by The Chicks. I kind of giggle when I listen to it because karma is a real bitch and I don’t want to know about that either.
Gladly, I move forward on my own, live my life, and rejoice that I was ‘let go’. I’m not concerned about any girl with tights. I’m not envious or jealous. I’ve come to realize that I’ve dealt with so many lies and manipulation over the years, nothing but goodness is coming.
I look at my life now and say WOW, I am in control of who I let in.
I hope you die peacefully in your sleep
Just kidding
I hope it hurts like you hurt me
I hope that when you think of me you can’t breathe
I hope you never find a sock to match the other one
Hey will your dad pay your taxes now that I am done
I can promise you’re not foolin’ anyone
The Chicks, Gaslighter
I wish this song was released while I was at my worst. Julianna Calm Down makes me want to hug each and every woman in this song. It makes me sad. It makes me want to push them forward. Encourage them to put on their best shoes and act like everything is OK. Like so many of my friends, I couldn’t put on anything. I was a wreck. You can’t control the pain, the suffering, and the endless thoughts that goes through your head.
However, there is light…..there is always light in the end.
And Harper hold on
To the piece you know he’s gonna try to take when he’s gone
And you know exactly where he’ll try to take it from
It’ll be okay
Just put on put on put on your best shoes
And strut the fuck around like you’ve got nothin’ to lose
Show off show off show off your best moves
And do it with a smile so he doesn’t know it’s
Put on put on put on
Put on put on
The Chicks, Gaslighter
This song has me in tears every time.
“We thought you’d cry Mom,” one of my children said to me the other day about some news received. No, I can’t, I’m trying my best not to be selfish right now and wallow in self pity.
Our life has changed. My excitement has been extinguished. Our family circle is broken. But, young man, don’t you worry about me. Your life is yours. Be a good man, a faithful husband, and a good father. Show your kids how a woman should be treated. Love with all of your heart and soul. If you feel that it’s dying, try harder because the grass is rarely greener. Make work secondary to everything that matters. Remember, I’ll always love you with all of my heart, but my heart has changed and you are moving on as well.
I had no words for you that Saturday
As we both watched our entire worlds change
Your hero fell just as you came of age
And I had no words but now
I know what to say
You’re of me not mine
Walk your own crooked line
I promise you’ll be fine
Take the best parts of him
As your own life begins
Leave the bad news behind you
The Chicks, Gaslighter
I hope whatever it is that made you leave that it’s good, it’s real, and it makes all betrayers happier. I hope that it’s so good that you can explain it to your kids. I hope that it was so good that they will consider doing the same if they were in your position.
There I go trying to keep myself distracted
So I make the bed call a friend do the dishes
Should I have known should I have seen a sign
When did you know why’d you pretend to try
If you’re gone I hope it’s really worth it
Twenty years of hanging on
Now it all adds up to nothin’
Gave up on the moon and back
Thought you’d found a better half
I Hope It’s Something Good
The Chicks, Gaslighter
This explains my journey of betrayal and marital separation. Each and every Friday for months has been filled with despair and bad news. I want it to end. I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t want it. Set me free.
To have and to hold
Oh the weight of this hate was exhausting
You risked my body broke my spirit
And still I’ve let you go
Just because you’ve been a bad guy
I’ve seen it with my own eyes
There’s a good guy in there
Would be for you to sign and release me
If you ever loved me
Then will you do this one last thing
Set Me Free
The Chicks, Gaslighter
And once we are set free, may we live fruitful and loving lives with our families and friends. Rejoice, the most important things in life. People before money.