I’m writing a lot more lately, and that makes me happy. I had a tinge of anxiety because of rental costs tonight. I talked to friends who said, “No worries, until you figure it out, we have your back.” Life is good as long as we stay grounded.
I am reaching out to do some more photography. I have taught myself some real estate video skills. Now, I need to put them in action as a backup plan to income. Or maybe, I’ll do this instead where I can control my income. Life is evolving, unfolding, and challenging me like never before.
I do not need to be that ex who stalks every move. I do not need to wonder if they are happier, sadder, or pining for me. I know if he was meant to be in my life, he’d be here. Love, at its finest, finds its way. He’s not, so I need to forge ahead.
For four months, I never heard from anyone. Now that the house is for sale. I’ve heard from them every night. I just answer the questions with a quick goodbye. I did the work, you will reap the rewards. I’m ok with that. I will thrive. You will keep living the same life with puzzles, wine and sadness. That’s ok.
My friends! OMG, daily calls wanting updates. They are my blessing. I love them so much. They are the wind beneath my wings. As I head to bed, I’m so thankful. Thankful. that I’m so much more now than what I was only a few short months ago. I’m struggling, but strong and positive.
To those reading, remember this. If it’s worth fighting for, go for it. If it’s worth letting go, let it go. The past will always be there poking us. It’s there for the lesson. It’s only when we learn the lesson that it releases the grip. It’s happening for me. Find peace. Find love. Find you.