It’s True! WIND Mobile will be arriving to the Golden Triangle this month!
WIND was the first new wireless carrier to launch in Canada in over a decade and this is their first new city expansion of 2011. They are dedicated to creating change for the wireless consumer by eliminating contracts, offering fair prices for unlimited service and refusing to charge consumers unnecessary fees. We’ll see…I can’t wait to see their pricing as it may be worth breaking the contract.
WIND Mobile wants to celebrate their launch by bringing positive change to the KW community through a $10,000 WIND thanks KW Community Grant. They are offering residents in the KW region the opportunity to tell them what would make a positive change through their Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/WINDmobile)
Anyone can nominate a project and it could range from updating a park to replacing the equipment for a local youth sports club or anything that would benefit the community and its members. The recipient of the grant will be announced at the launch event next month.
You may also follow WIND Mobile on Twitter