According to US Magazine, a moving van was spotted leaving the home of Kutcher and Moore’s abode.
It’s crazy how far media will go to make a horrible situation worse by sensationalizing it. This is not the first time a famous person has been caught with their pants down, nor will it be the last. The hardest part is making a relationship work after the fact with so many mongrels praying for the worst. That’s why were seeing so many break-ups. The public isn’t helping.
If I could say anything about infidelity is that a relationship is a two way street. When a marriage is going good, no one is looking elsewhere. There is always a bigger picture about someone’s infidelity.
I have no idea why People Magazine would stoop to the level of interviewing Sara Leal seeing that Demi and Ashton were trying (or putting on a fake attempt) to reconcile. Just add another log into the proverbial fire People!
I’d say when making the decision to purchase trash magazines like this that people ask themselves; How would I feel if this was my marriage on the cover. After all, it’s may be celebrity, but it is personal.
I hope that this once happy and affectionate couple are able to work through the fire and make it back to the calm waters again very soon.