There was once a time where birthdays were a milestone. I couldn’t wait til I was 10, 13, 16, and then 18. After that, it was just another day amoungst others.
I remember a time when I wouldn’t dare allow anyone to say I was 9, when I was actually 9 and a half! So today I’m 39 and I will say loud and proud that I was 38 yesterday. Getting older, it’s one thing we all can’t avoid and quite honestly, it doesn’t bother me besides the dying part.
I really love life! Honestly, I always have had a love for life despite my bouts with depression and anxiety. Life is really what we make of it. It’s too bad that I waited until I was 38 to truly live it, kick those who don’t belong to the curb, and laugh loud….but such is life.
As I sit here with my first coffee as thirty-nine and take my sentimental journey remembering most of my thirty-either other birthdays, I have to admit that I’ve had a pretty awesome life despite it all. I have a great husband, two great kids, and a roof over my head. I’ve experienced many things that many don’t take the chance doing. I sing loud, laugh proud, and I’m happy in my skin.
I don’t need to be part of the group to feel fulfilled; online or off! If your not going to be yourself, who the hell are you anyway?
The only advice I can give as I creep towards forty is to not sweat the small stuff because wrinkles really do suck!