It’s a fair assumption now that if you’re single and looking to mingle, you should at least try your luck with online dating. Dating sites like eHarmony CA claim that 1 in 5 relationships now start online, even though this may be an exaggeration the chances are good you know a couple who first met through a computer screen. The idea of putting yourself on display for the entire world to see can be a little daunting, but with our help you’ll soon have the knowledge and confidence to dive straight in! Follow these simple tips to help make your profile the perfect first impression.
Be honest
It’s a commonly held belief by many that people always lie on their profiles, shockingly this is almost true with up to 80% of people admitting they lie about something! Make sure you’re one of the people to break this trend; a little honesty can go a long way. Not only will your date appreciate and recognise your honesty upon meeting you, but think how much more confident you’ll feel knowing that people are interested in you – not the embellished version of yourself you put online. Remember that you’re online to meet someone; don’t start off a potential relationship on a foundation of dishonesty!
In your photo that is of course, we always recommend using a photo in your profile as people like to see a face to match a personality to. Avoid the temptation to put up a photo of yourself with friends, or that photo of you out clubbing when you think you look like you’re having a great time. Research has shown that people prefer photos that are solo, simple and understated. We know the idea of using such a photo can be scary, but it’s a genuine touch that people really take notice of, it all comes back to honesty and warmth – the most difficult and important things to convey online.
Avoid sharing too much
You’ll sometimes be tempted to say or write about things online that you would never necessarily talk about in person. While this can be a freeing and positive experience at times, it can also cause issues if you get carried away! Remember that the words in your profile are essentially what you’re saying to someone the first time you meet them. Even if you’re passionate about politics it probably isn’t the time to mention in detail who you vote for and why. People tend to think that by mentioning such things they’re ‘sorting’ through potential partners quicker, the reality is that it’s just a great method for scaring people off.
If there’s a major detail about your life that you feel you need to be upfront about as it will seriously impact your dating choices, why don’t you try a dating service aimed at people in your situation. For example, if you’re interested in Christian dating many sites offer a service targeted at specific religious groups.
Enjoy yourself
Just as in person, the people that grab our attention tend to be those that are enjoying themselves the most. Whether it is a great sense of humour or a relaxed attitude that puts everyone else at ease, these are the people that others always seem to gravitate to. Don’t be too stern or formal; don’t be afraid to make fun of yourself and most of all try to avoid negativity. Everyone dating online is in the same boat, no one wants to hear about your recent break up or how you’ve finally decided to date online because seven cats aren’t enough company anymore.
Remember all of these tips are trying to encourage two simple things: Be genuine and confident with who you are, there are definitely people out there that will be interested in you! Secondly, make sure you’ve come online to enjoy yourself, dating should never feel like a quest to find the perfect partner, or should a process that you enjoy and grow through along the way.