Recently my mother and boyfriend bought me a puppy for an early birthday present.
On Thursday we spent all day looking and inquiring about puppies. Friday, we had a few responses and went to check a few out. All the dogs we saw were okay, but they weren’t the right puppy. It was either ugly, not taken care of properly, or Jordan (my boyfriend) hated the dog and refused to get it. My mother was getting very tired of looking for a dog and was ready to give up. While looking on Kijiji for the fifth time (yes you have to look often and respond quickly), I found a ad for a Yorkie poo.
I gave the people who were selling the dog a call and asked if they still had the dog. The people told me that there was a guy on the other line wanting to buy the dog but wasn’t sure about it and they would call me back either way.
10 minutes passed and we were almost home and the phone rang. The man decided not to buy the puppy.
The drive to get the puppy seemed to be very long and the house was very hard to find. When we finally found the house it was about 6 o’clock.
The people who were selling the puppy were Mennonites. When we arrived a nice lady greeted us at the door and welcomed us.
She showed us what the dog comes with. I was shocked to hear that we were actually getting stuff that came with a dog such as a “health card”, a receipt, and food. I was very happy and reassured that this dog was clean, well taken care of, cute, and Jordan agreed that this was the dog for us.
Picking A Name
After 3 days of having this dog we have all finally agreed on a name. Since it was my dog I thought it was my choice to name her. So I named the dog Mavis. I liked the character Mavis from Hotel Transylvania and thought the dog I picked out looked similar to that character. After a day of everyone forgetting the new dog’s name or getting the name mixed up with Martin, Marvis or Molvis my brother and father thought to rename it Malikai. I would of been okay with the name Malikai but this dog was a GIRL dog! So I felt it was time to change the dogs name to something everyone can get right. So I renamed the dog Molly. So far everyone likes the name and hasn’t been confused with the name.
Puppy Nights.
My boyfriend wants the dog to be crate trained so that means she spends her nights in the crate. The first night I had Molly I felt so bad. I spent an about 30 minutes listening to her cry and bawl. I decided for the first night she can sleep with me.
When I told my boyfriend about Molly’s first night he was very disappointed about how “weak I am” because I couldn’t handle the dog barking. But really who can listen to a poor, lonely puppy cry all night? I certainly can’t.
But I was slightly insulted with what Jordan said so I decided to try again the second night. This time Molly was barking louder and was actually trying to break out of her cage. My other dog Chloe started barking and my mother couldn’t take the barking any longer and told me to bring that puppy out to show Chloe that the puppy was okay. I decided to let Molly sleep with me again.
All day yesterday my boyfriend and I decided to crate the dog showing her it wasn’t a bad place. When I got back to my place and it was time for “bedtime” I had crated her.
Luckily, my parents were watching a movie and couldn’t hear the barking so I decided to join them. When I went upstairs again there was no longer any barking! It was a miracle! I went to bed peacefully. It was awesome. BUT at 3:21 am this morning the dog was barking again. So she slept with me!
A New Best Friend
The reason I wanted to get another dog was because my dog Chloe was very lonely when we leave. Chloe and Molly get along great and I think Chloe has found a new best friend!