Do you have a obsession to any kind of foods? I sure know I do! Menchies is by far my favorite place to go right now!
What Is Menchies?
Well, Menchies is a cute little self served frozen yogurt store! There are thousands of flavors (Literally I’m not kidding check out the thousands of flavors here http://www.menchies.com/frozen-yogurt-flavors).
Each store only has so many flavours at a time. Along with the flavors they also have many toppings for you to choose from to put on your lovely frozen yogurt (You can look at the possible toppings here http://www.menchies.com/yogurt-shop-toppings)
Why I like Going To Menchies?
Besides the great tasting yogurt, I like the amazing atmosphere. The employee’s greet you with a smile on their face and make sure you know all the details on how to make your visit to Menchies the most pleasurable experience! Plus, articles on how Menchies was originated and all their Menchie swag all around the store makes it 10 times more awesome.
Where Did Menchies Originate?
Menchies started serving ice cream in Hollywood! Which if you’ve ever been to a Menchies, you’d notice the “Menchiewood” sign right beside the Menchie wall of fame. What is the Menchie wall of fame? Oh it’s just Menchies showing off all the celebrities that love Menchies as much as I do. Let’s just say Jennifer Gardner and Ben Affleck are in a lot of pictures on their wall with their children!
What Do I Get At Menchies?
I love many flavours, but surprisingly I love chocolate the most. If you knew me, you would know that I hate hate hate chocolate, chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream, chocolate bars ANYTHING with chocolate. Surprisingly, I love the pure chocolate frozen yogurt at Menchies more than I love red velvet and banana (it’s a tie).
I usually put nerds on top of my yummy chocolate frozen yogurt.
Other Special Things About Menchies!
Sample Cups: If you never been to Menchies and/or are unsure of what you want, Menchies offers you little sample cups to try any flavour you wish! It’s awesome because, like many people, I am very unsure of what I want.
Smileage Awards: If you tend to go to Menchies a lot, I suggest you pick up a Smileage points card! It’s exciting because after you collect a certain amount of smiles you can get a free yogurt! Which is totally awesome.
Awesome Menchie Swag : Menchies offers much more than frozen yogurt. They also have lip gloss, plush toys, balls, t-shirts, sweaters and MUCH MORE around their store. Also, if you want to take your fave flavors home you can get a pre-pack of any in store flavours!
Apple Iphone, Ipod and Ipad App: If you can’t find menchies anywheres and have a smartphone you can easily get the “yumm finder” which like I said finds the local Menchies near you!