Have you ever been on a camping trip with your family? Most people say yes ,and along with saying yes they have a great story to go along with it. Some funny , Some Scary..well there is basically every kind of story under the sun to tell about camping.

Once summer comes around in Canada I find it difficult to understand why people need to travel so far from Ontario , spending thousands of dollars when we have such a beautiful place to be right here in our own backyards. There are so many things do do in Ontario Parks, some of my favourite things dodo are, go kayaking , canoeing, fishing and ride my bike down the great trails. Also my best memory last year was walking down to the beach at The Pinery with my girlfriend to watch the sun go down. The sunsets over the great lakes are always beatiful and there is nothing like going for a quick swim before the sun goes down. After that we would go back to our campsite and get the fire started so we could tell storys about our day and roast marshmallows and smores. When my family camps we have the “luxury” of camping in a tent trailer its pretty small and its from 1972! its a classic ;).

Things to remember when camping…
1. Have fun! leave all the troubles of life back at home and make memories with the people you have! that’s how you have things to look back on.
2. Bring bug spray! there is nothing worse than being eaten alive on a trip “unless its by a bear” haha