Been a while since I’ve written a blog post , i find as i get older i am having far less time to relax jugling two part time jobs , school and friends. .. Anyway For the past month or so there has been a lot of stress on me to get ready for prom it has caused excitement worries and saving all for one big day.
Ask your girl , she wants you to!
As a man it is your duty to ask your girlfriend to prom, this day will be all about her and a little bit about you from what I have gathered haha. I asked Christina to prom about a month ago if she would go to prom with me while we were in Toronto. She was out with her mom at a Marianas Trench concert so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to set something up. I took Christina’s brother out shopping with me so i wouldn’t get lost in the big city and I would have a second opinion on what to do. We stopped in at a flower shop and I got a big nice bouquet of flowers. Then I went and picked her out a funny card to ask her the question. I got a card the said a big ”Congratulations” on the front of it,and I wrote on the inside “you’re going to prom with me! couldn’t have happened to anyone more deserving.” Anyways after picking up the flowers and a Pandora bracelet among other things Brandon and myself headed back to the hotel room to set up. I set up big letters across the bed in the hotel saying the classic “PROM?” I set the flowers, bracelet , and card on the bed in front of it , and waited. anyways long story short Christina came back i jumped out and surprised her she was very happy and said yes!
Getting Prom Tickets So You Can Get In
I was surprised to find out how much tickets were going to cost me but I guarantee it will be worth it. I had to find the person selling the tickets at our school , and being the nice guy I am I got my ticket and my dates ticket which came to a total of $110 not actually that bad for dinner and pictures for both of us. Our prom will be at a nice location at The Pines in Cambridge looking over the river.
Lucky for me my friend is throwing the after party so i got my tickets at a discount , they would have cost me $20 for both but i got them for $10.
How will you arrive?

Most prom dates don’t want to arrive in your parents mini van, so there are a few options you can consider. Some people rent nice cars to arrive in or borrow them from family. Some people show up in a limo with all their friends. Christina and I chose to arrive in style with a limo. all of our friends from high school will be arriving with us so it should be a fun ride. another advantage is that we all split on the limo. each person will pay 50$ which I think is worth it.
Getting Suited Up, “Cause every girls crazy about a sharp dressed man”
Your number one priority when finding a suit should be that it goes with your dates outfit, after all it is mostly about the girls. I shopped around for quite a while and ended up finding this suit at Winners for 99$, its original price was 425$ now that’s a deal! the brand is MONDO DIMARCO. My tie came from my dads closet because the prices of them are outrageous, the cheapest ones I could find were 60$. This tie will match my dates dress well and it looks really classy. All in all I am happy with my suit and I think I look great and feel great!