Pride is a time when community and family should come together to celebrate, and as the city embarks on Pride Weekend 2013, Toronto PFLAG is proud to do just that. Celebrating the remarkable individuals of the LBGTTIQQ2SA community, and recognizing the important contributions of its allies, Toronto PFLAG President, Irene Miller is excited to lead this year’s parade as the official Grand Marshal chosen by Pride Toronto.
“Toronto PFLAG was founded upon principles that provide individuals with a safe and open environment to come out, with love and acceptance for the wonderful people they are,” said Miller. “Being named Grand Marshal is a great honour and I will use the opportunity to highlight the positive impact made by allies. I encourage all parents to be visibly and vocally supportive as allies and advocates, a role Toronto PFLAG families embrace whole-heartedly. I march in the Pride Parade as a supportive mother, representing all the Moms who can’t be here for their LGBTTIQQ2AS loved ones. There will be hugs aplenty!”
2013 has brought mixed emotions to the organization. PFLAG chapters everywhere were saddened by the passing of the organization’s founder, Jeanne Manford earlier this year. However, in the spirit of love and acceptance that Jeanne inspired within people around the world for over 40 years, Toronto PFLAG is proud to continue with efforts that keep doors open, and families together – a sentiment all PFLAG volunteers will carry forward throughout Pride weekend.
Show your Pride
With this in mind, Toronto PFLAG invites everyone to join before the parade to share a great meal, a few stories and a lot of laughs at its 5th Annual Pride Brunch, from 9:30am-11:00am at Pogue Mahone’s Irish Pub (College Street, between Bay and Yonge). Welcoming individuals and families from all over, Toronto PFLAG looks forward to celebrating the wonderful differences and fantastic similarities shared by such a diverse community. For those whose family are not here, a host of PFLAG families await, looking forward to becoming a new family at Pride.
After the Brunch, Toronto PFLAG invites all who wish to march in the parade to pick up a sign and t-shirt (no charge, donations gratefully accepted) from the booth on Alexander Street, between Church and Yonge. Also marching with Toronto PFLAG this year, NHL star, Ben Scrivens will represent the support of the Toronto Maple Leafs and Will Alcot representing the Toronto Marlies. Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment continues its groundbreaking advocacy within the sporting community.
Toronto Pride is an exciting time where individuals, parents, families, friends and allies alike come together to share in the excitement of a wonderfully diverse community. Proud to participate in the 2013 Pride Festival, and excited for World Pride 2014, hosted in Toronto only one year from now, Toronto PFLAG reminds of the incredible opportunity that each and every ally has to make a difference by joining together and showing support – there is always room for one more in the Toronto PFLAG family!