It’s been one hell of a year for myself and my family! I have to say with everything that I’ve experienced since I started writing my blog sharing my life with you has been the best. Here is a play by play of what I’m about and what I’ve been doing in 2011.
January & February 2011

January and February was full of New Years’, friends, family, and birthdays. We were pleased to have so many people from Gaspe attend Toby’s 40th birthday at the Newfoundland Club in Cambridge, ON.
My blogging took a turn during these two months. I started blogging daily after a blogging incident with my daughter caused so much grief in our life. I used to go to bed sobbing wondering if my daughter would ever be the same?
March 2011

This was a fascinating month commencing with Lady Gaga’s Monster Ball Concert in Toronto Ontario and ending with a reunion at the Juno Awards.
I hoped the Gaga’s performance and word of wisdom well beyond her age would resonate with my daughter. Christina’s struggles continued in the Hazy Shade of Winter.
If you EVER have a chance to see Gaga in Concert, I say go for it!
April 2011

Sweet Sixteen! My daughter turns sweet 16 with family all around. She is getting better but it’s still a journey!
It was in April when I started writing about the Federal Election with CBC Community. Never in a million years did I imagine my blog providing so many opportunities beyond my imagination. It was a great experience AND I got to stand behind the news desk of Peter Mansbridge!
This was also the month where I learned that my very dear friend developed Brain Cancer. It’s been a bitter sweet year so far!
May 2011

A bitter sweet month again. Our brother-in-law died of a heart attack in Gaspe Quebec and we decided to head to Gaspe for the funeral. We celebrated 17 years of marriage as well.
Still blogging about anything and everything.
I started loving social media and the relationships that I started developing online. Social Media became somewhat an obsession for me at this time. I wanted to learn everything about it and how I could help my clients by using this marketing venue.
June 2011

Meeting Gaga was a dream for my daughter. A dream that became a reality at the MMVA Awards in Toronto. This woman (who is wise beyond her years) is was incredibly gracious as Christina spoke with her.
I learned quickly that this is a venue that I will attend yearly from now on.
July 2011

Celebrated my dear friend’s 40th birthday with her and her family. I felt very blessed to be part of this horrible journey with her.
August 2011
Another Bitter Sweet Month. RIP my Little Maddie Girl
September 2011

My favorite time of the year; The Toronto Film Festival. This year things changed drastically and we were unable to see as many celebrities as last year. I want a media pass next year……how in the world is this little old blogger going to accomplish this?
I also attended my first Social Media Conference through the ShesConnected Group. I am absolutely loving my blog and my life!
October 2011

We welcomed a new family member in our home! Her name is Chloe and she has four legs!
Was the JLC reviewer at the Sheepdogs and Kings of Leon Concert in London, Ontario. Also went to see them in Toronto as well. They were ok but I expected more!
November 2011

Met Jan Arden at Costco. She is hilarious. I turned 39 and decided to make big changes in my life health wise.
December 2011

This month I seen the iconic Prince in concert at the JLC.
My friend is cancer free.
I’m absolutely loving life despite a few bumps in the road. My husbands cranky and my kids are teens. We live pay check to pay check but it’s all worthwhile. I’m going to continue writing. I want to start my own Social Media Business in 2012. I also want to experience even more wonderful things that life has to offer!
I am open to anything in life. I am going to get healthy, get sexy and live again. After all, life is made for living…why wait til tomorrow to do it?