So the grand announcements have been made for the upcoming Blogger conferences in Toronto.
ShesConnected will be held at the Metro Convention Centre on Friday October 19th and Saturday October 20th, 2012
With the whole 700 level booked, 10 concurrent breakout sessions, an exhibitor area, and sponsor rooms, ShesConnected is looking to be bigger than ever. 90% of their 2011 sponsors will be attending which is quite exciting to hear.
Put on the brakes (if this was TV…insert loud ear busting SQUEAL!!)
Blissdom Canada will be held at the Sheraton Centre on Saturday October 20 and Sunday October 21st.
Blissdom promises to be just as spectacular as other years but with more interaction. With brilliant leaders, speakers, and a karaoke night (humina humina), Blissdom promises an experience that you will never forget.
Blissdom is also where all the cool kids go (so I’m told) and celebrities pop out of nowhere!
Well, I hear it’s hip to be square and that’s who I am, so that does not sway me in the least.
So…..WTFadillio is one to do?
Initially, it was a cost issue to attend both, but now it’s an overlap issue? I’m not one to juggle conferences. Once I decide on one, I kindly leave the other to next year. I suppose one could buy a one-day pass to SCCTO and spend the remainder of the weekend at Blissdom. I’m certain though that strategically, the best sessions will be on Saturday for both events.
So, it’s all or nothing baby cakes!
I have to say I really enjoyed the ShesConnected Conference last year. From the speakers to engaging with the brands, it was quite the event. I also enjoyed my alone time with Gingermommy and Did You Know Canada on the streets of Toronto.
Ah Toronto….so wonderful, but so expensive.
Any blogging conferences near 401 and Hurontario? (joke) Which one will you choose?
I have never been to Blissdom before. My main focus this year is to be the leader in Pop Culture by incorporating more bloggers (for television and movies). My main focus is advertising and promotion. My long term goal is to interview Madonna and Gaga… OK well you know where I’m going.
As a sales and marketing consultant I figure my marketing is right on track. However, I would never turn a blind eye to fabulous and intelligent bloggers and brands who work so hard in the online world. Their knowledge is GOLDEN.
After all, business is about relationship building, not relationship crushing.
There appears to be some competition going down in Toronto this Fall. I’m going to be the first to ask which event will you be attending? Nothing like just putting it out there to cut the proverbial online tension.
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