You Betcha! My stay at Casino Rama was everything I needed and more. Pure adult entertainment at its finest. Let me tell you about my exhausting week.
Boots and Hearts can be exhausting especially in this heat. Between photos and walking the huge grounds, my back was sore and my spirits were depleted. I made the trek home on Sunday night, shoved all my dirty laundry in the washing machine, and prepared for my stay with some wonderful ladies at Casino Rama in Orillia.
Being much too tired on Monday, I awoke at 6:00AM on Tuesday and made the trek back to Northern Ontario. I attended the conference, organized by SJ Consulting, hung out with my bestie Ninjamommers, while seeing some old friends and making new relationships.
We participated in a charity tournament, where my friend John won first place. He was given the opportunity to donate $1,000 to a charity of his choice. I came in third and received $30 in free play. WIN!
After buffet lunch at the Willow, we had the day to ourselves, where myself and Jen, relaxed in our room, took in the casino, and played around with our new Instax Share SP-2 Printer. Being an Instax and FujiFilm advocate, I was fortunate enough to have two packages of film in my purse. BONUS!
With the beautiful pool adjoined to the day spa, the casino, the entertainment lineup and tranquil atmosphere, Casino Rama is an ideal choice for a couples getaway or a night out on the town (if you live close enough). I already had dinner at St. Germain’s during a previous stay at Casino Rama (which was to DIE for), so we opted for dinner at the Simcoe Yardhouse, a typical restaurant where you can get pub grub for a decent price. Then we played the slots one more time….
Of course, no conference would be complete without seeing my good friends Stacie and John. They completely make my experience over the top!
The resort provided us with chocolate covered strawberries and Perrier water upon our return to our room. OMG so good. After my week’s activities, I was ready for slumber quite early. Jen went out with friends to enjoy a bit of Cards Against Humanity.
The next day consisted of more conference presentations and then another afternoon to ourselves. We had lunch at the Simcoe Yardhouse. I then made my way up to the Casino Rama’s Balance in Life Spa, to have a full body massage by a massage therapist. My body was CRYING for this and I quickly realized it when she reached my lower back.
So after my massage, I felt completely relaxed and pain free. Being that the conference was done, I decided that this may be an opportune time to head home since I enjoyed most of the amenities and was able to reconnect with many people in a short period of time. I was spent and 100% fulfilled.
My cup runneth over for this much needed getaway and experience and I thank SJ Consulting, Casino Rama, FujiFilm, Chicken Farmers of Canada, and Giant Tiger for the opportunity.
Upon my return home, Casino Rama offered all of the attendees two tickets to any show in 2016. Thank you so much!! So my question to you is, which one should I go to? Help an old girl out here!