• October 1, 2011
I was so Connected at ShesConnected

What does 200 women do at an event that teaches them how to monetize on their hobby?  Well for me, it did not include taking many pictures or tweeting much!  Yes, I am one of the Bloggers to attend the 2-day ShesConnected Conference on September 29, 2011. Laptops, Tablets and Smartphones were in heavy use […]

  • September 28, 2011
I’m off to ShesConnected #SCCTO Tomorrow

Well off I go to ShesConnected tomorrow.  I’m very excited to see what a full fledged blogging conference is like! I’m a conference and trade show queen, however, most of my shows have consisted of renovators and manufacturers that I know very well.  We’d make a point to reconvene yearly for lunch where we would laugh and […]