Becoming a Workaholic Without Even Noticing
I’ve become a workaholic. I have to admit it. My life has taken a drastic turn since 2014. I’ve blogged less. Taken less concert photos. Listened less to my family.…
I’ve become a workaholic. I have to admit it. My life has taken a drastic turn since 2014. I’ve blogged less. Taken less concert photos. Listened less to my family.…
Well, I’ve made my first official mistake of my adulthood. I’m rooming with a complete nightmare. First seemed very cool when I first met her but now it’s not so…
Well suffice to say, the day has come. The day has come where I feel uncomfortable sitting with a winter coat on. I feel uncomfortable when I look in…
To all bloggers, vloggers or heck even commenters. I dare all of you to try the blogger challenge. The blogger challenge is simple. You just answer the following questions. There…
Ever since the summer of grade 9 I have had a part time job at a Turkey farm collecting eggs. The reason I decided to get a part time job…
Have you ever been on a camping trip with your family? Most people say yes ,and along with saying yes they have a great story to go along with it.…